[Eden4Life] Eden 4 Life - All Know About Preasearing !

+ Drunkard

A character's progress in the Drunkard title track is determined by the amount of time that character spends drunk.

Level of drunk :

Level 0 - SOBER - Normal status without drink.
Level 1 - SOBER - After your first ales, you have haste to drink second.
Level 2 - SOBER - You begin being lightly cheerful ^^
Level 3 - INTOXICATED - The world begins turning well around you.
Level 4 - INTOXICATED - Even more torn taht before !
Level 5 - INTOXICATED - Ultimate level most having a great time ^^

How it works ?

The cheapest way to get the Drunkard title is to start off with drinking an intoxication level 5 drink. After one minute, drink one level 1 drink and keep drinking a level 1 drink once per minute. After you've finished the last level 1 drink, let yourself sober up to acquire the remaining 3 minutes. You can check when a minute has passed by looking at the bar of the title in the Hero panel. Save your level 5 drinks until you have a reasonable number of level 1 drinks, and start over. With Aged Ales and Grog's no problem you can drink when you want because it's a level 5 ales.

Rank 1 & rank 2 ?

To reach the rank 1 Drunkard (r1), you need to be drunk during 1.000 minutes !
For the r2, Incorrigible Ale-Hound, you need to be drunk during 10.000 minutes.

Where get Ales ?

Most of these items are only available during special events.

You can farm the bear to get ales (see bellow).

But with Nicholas you can get ales each day.

Somes items are 3 points (aged / grog).

You can also buy ales at 30-40g ea. And Aged Ales/Grog at 100g ea.

The effects of alcohol ? Click here !

The bear farm ? Click here !

Drunkard Incorrigible Ale-Hound

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