[Eden4Life] Eden 4 Life - All Know About Preasearing !

+ Treasure Hunter

Farming Golden Eggs during Sweet Treat Weekends is an efficient method of gaining points.

Treasure Hunter title track

Rank 1 - 100 Golden Eggs - Treasure Hunter
Rank 2 - 250 Golden Eggs - Adept Treasure Hunter
Rank 3 - 550 Golden Eggs - Advanced Treasure Hunter
Rank 4 - 1.200 Golden Eggs - Expert Treasure Hunter
Rank 5 - 2.500 Golden Eggs - Elite Treasure Hunter
Rank 6 - 5.000 Golden Eggs - Master Treasure Hunter
Rank 7 - 10.000 Golden Eggs - Grandmaster Treasure Hunter

Where find Golden Eggs ?

Farming Golden Eggs during Sweet Treat Weekends.

It cannot be used in towns or outposts.

If picked up when assigned to the player, the egg gives 1 point towards the Treasure Hunter title.

It stopped when the 13th November 2008 update was applied, which was when this title was changed to an account-based title. You can reach it in post.

Chasseur de Trésor Chasseur de Trésor Adepte

Chasseur de Trésor Avancé
Broken Frost was the first to reach r3 in pre before the update.

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